Apple iPhone 4S 32GB SIM-Free - Black
Apple iPhone 4S 32GB SIM-Free - Black
List Price: £616.29
Apple iPhone 4S 32GB SIM-Free - Black Description
Dual-core A5 chip. All-new 8MP camera and optics. iOS 5 and iCloud. And introducing Siri. It's the most amazing iPhone yetApple iPhone 4S 32GB SIM-Free - Black Features
- Sim Free iPhone 4s
- Refurbished
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Customer Reviews
58 of 64 people found the following review helpful By OEiJet "The reviewer" (Aberdeen) - See all my reviews This review is from: Apple iPhone 4S 32GB SIM-Free - Black (Wireless Phone Accessory) iOS 5.1 UPDATE: I updated both my iPhone 4S and my 1st Gen iPAd to iOS 5.1 five days ago (I also updated my wifes iPhone 4). This update came to the phone directly via wifi and installed quickly on the 4S. The same update took much longer on the A4 powered iPhone 4 and iPad. This is perhaps the first time I have seen a big speed difference between the iPhone 4S and the older 4. Battery life has improved but only slightly. the 5.01 update made a bigger battery life difference for me. However this update has given you the ability to switch of 3G, leaving the phone to use 2G. Doing this can substantially increase battery life, and it is easy to re-enable 3G if you need to browse on the go away from your wifi. The other significant improvement is the camera is easier to access from the lock screen. The map app seems to have had an upgrade as well (although perhaps I had missed this function before), but now it will rotate the map as you turn making it more useful for navigation.THREE MONTH UPDATE: I have been using the iPhone 4S for just over three months now. I thought that it would be good to give a general update as I have been using the phone long enough now for that initial shine that new purchases have to have worn off. I am happy to say that the phone has performed almost flawlessly during those three months, and having experienced all the smartphone systems except Windows, I am still more than happy to say that this is the best smartphone available. My only regret is that I opted for the 16GB rather than 32 or 64GB versions. Still given how much you can trade in even an old iPhone 3GS for compared with other brands, I feel it likely that I will get enough for my 4S in two years to allow me to get a 32 or 64GB iPhone 5(S) without feeling guilty. One tip if like me you use your phone calender, is that I would recommend the 'Week Cal' app which has a week view that the native calender does not. It also allows you to individually colour entries (say a different colour for different types of events) in the way you can in MS Outlook. It is fully compatible with all calenders that the iPhone can synch with. Highly recommended as a significant way to improve the iPhone. The first thing I need to say is that the Apple iPhone 4S is the best smart phone in the market at present, and unless something radical happens will probably be the best smart phone until the iPhone 5 is released. I am not going to labour all the features, these have been well covered in the description and the previous reviews. However I will say that this phone is definitely not worth upgrading to from the iPhone 4 and even if you have an iPhone 3GS I would say it would be better to wait until the next generation iPhone comes out. The reason I say this is that this phone has really only two differences from the iPhone 4 - Siri and a higher resolution camera. I will discuss these first. Siri - this is a novelty, it is worth a few minutes of fun when you just get the phone, but like all computer speech recognition I have tried, it really does not work. No matter how often I tried to get it to set a reminder it insisted I was saying remainder. I asked it to phone Alison Allen and it thought I said phone Linda Robinson! Strangely it did understand when I asked it to open the pod bay doors! Camera - Great much much better than any other mobile phone camera I have used, better even than the camera on my old Nokia N95 and N97 phones which were head and shoulders the best phone cameras at the time those phones came out. This is a clear advantage over the iPhone 3GS, but in truth the iPhone 4 camera is also very good. More mega pixels is not the be all for digital cameras. Until they build in an optical zoom lens all I would ever see the phone camera as being for is taking a snap to use as the wall paper for the phone, and for this the 4S camera is no better than that on the 4. It is however faster which could allow you to get a picture of a dog or child that tends not to stay still for too long. Processor Speed - the 4S is faster than the 4, but you only see it with the very biggest apps. Pages opens noticeably faster on my iPhone 4S than on my wife's iPhone 4, as does the novelty app Talking Tom. However with smaller apps it is very hard to notice any differences. Once running I can see no differences in any app (other than the camera) in terms of speed. Therefore I would conclude that in terms of speed it would not be worth upgrading from an iPhone 4. May be from the 3GS, but I also compared the speed of my 4S against my 3rd Gen iPod Touch which has a similar processor to the 3GS and again for most apps there is no obvious advantage speed wise. Therefore I am not convinced that in terms of speed this is worth upgrading to even from the 3GS. However this is my first iPhone, and as such I am delighted with it. If they had kept the iPhone 4 16GB model I may however have opted to get... Read more 2 of 2 people found the following review helpful This review is from: Apple iPhone 4S 32GB SIM-Free - Black (Wireless Phone Accessory) I must start off by saying that I love my IPhone. It's a 32GB 4S and it does almost everything I could possibly want of a small hand held computer.My music, photos, apps, are all there and very quick to load and the camera facility on both stills and video is better than a camera that I bought specially for the purpose. My contacts and diary appointments are all seamlessly uploaded to my office and home computer and it feels very strange not to be giving the phone an unequivocal 5 stars. Why aren't I? The sad reason is that my 4S doesn't work very well at its primary purpose of being a mobile phone. Calls are dropped regularly, reception can be bad despite the signal bar showing 4 bars. Sometimes it'll take an age to connect but the dropped calls are really the most annoying and I have to admit I've been thinking the unthinkable of switching to another mobile. I do hope I don't have to but it's gotta improve quickly or there will be one Apple customer less. 7 of 9 people found the following review helpful By This review is from: Apple iPhone 4S 32GB SIM-Free - Black (Wireless Phone Accessory) I upgraded to a 4s a few months back after having a 3GS. My partner has a Samsung Galaxy s2 and I was tempted. But honestly I wouldn't swap this. I wouldn't have upgraded from a 4 to a 4s mind as I see the minor improvements as too small for the money.Siri is a quirky addition - not particularly useful or just a gimmick for some I find it does have its uses as a hands free addition. Not in the car though as the background noise will render it just too annoying. The design is sleeker than ever and its quick to load and download. Far quicker than my old 3GS. My old complaint of the iPhone was that it was good at everything except being a phone. I think its got that sorted now. I haven't had any drop outs and the signal is clearer than ever. The camera is better quality as well and I am using it far more for that than I ever did my previous iPhone. Overall I am pleased I upgraded. Sure another one will be along soon and sure there are other phones on the market which get better reviews and have higher specs and are cheaper. But as with everything Apple its the design and build that works. Tt feels right in your hand, works well on all counts and they have improved the battery life as well. So for the next two years I am happy with this. |
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